Announcing the new NaviPlan Learning Center

July 31, 2019 by Kyria Branaugh

About the author

Kyria Branaugh

Director, learning and support

As director of learning and support at Advicent, Kyria helps to strengthen every partner’s knowledge of Advicent products and implements strategies for adoption and product utilization.

We are excited to announce the new NaviPlan Learning Center is now available, making it easier than ever for our partners to take advantage of learning resources. The same useful Learning Center information is now presented in a cleaner and more visually appealing way.

Highlights of the update include:

Search functionality

The Learning Center now has search functionality available on every page, allowing users to quickly and easily find the information needed.

NaviPlan design

To help create a seamless transition, the Learning Center has been redesigned to match the current look and feel of NaviPlan. Navigation now mirrors the main navigation in NaviPlan, making it intuitive to find learning resources

Plan level information

Convenient plan level tabs on each page of the new Learning Center ensure that users are seeing the correct feature functionality for the situation at hand. Users can choose between Level 2 Plan, Level 1 Plan, and Forecaster Assessment scenarios.

Resource access

The Learning Center is now designed to provide easy access to the most commonly used resources.  On the home page, the eLearning Classroom, common support questions, and frequently used resources are featured. The navigation also includes special sections for getting started with NaviPlan and new NaviPlan features.

We know the Learning Center is an essential resource for many of our partners and we are committed to delivering the best possible learning experience.  To explore the new Learning Center, navigate to the Help section in the top-right corner of NaviPlan and select Learning Center.