eBook | 5 simple digital marketing tips for advisors

March 05, 2019 by Kelton Corcoran

About the author

Kelton Corcoran

Senior content marketing specialist

Kelton Corcoran is a senior content marketing specialist at NaviPlan, the financial planning technology provider of choice for more than 140,000 financial professionals.

Still expecting new results from the same old marketing tactics?

Marketing has shifted from a primarily outbound strategy to a more inbound strategy, and many businesses are struggling to keep up. Traditional marketing tactics are becoming less effective, and it is now increasingly about pulling in or engaging clients digitally through relevant thought leadership content.

In this eBook, Advicent and Twenty Over Ten outline five key tips for advisors when trying to develop a successful overall marketing strategy without breaking the bank.

Download our free eBook to start engaging more leads with these simple digital marketing tips.